Photogrammetric Camera - Rapid Physical to Virtual Model Creation
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The 3D Camera technology provides a low maintenance, low cost, reliable solution, for rapid generation of accurate 3-D geometry and electromagnetically-accurate texture overlays within a single computer peripheral device.
The Photogrammetric Camera system consists of multiple sensors, processes, and techniques which are partitioned into three primary areas as follows:
- A Multi-sensor Data Capture Unit
- Capable of generating multi-spectral, high resolution 3-D information from physical objects to feed the Artificial Intelligence (AI) processes.
- The data capture system converts physical items into accurate (< 0.1 inch) 3D models for virtual reality applications.
- Artificial Intelligence Processes
- Performs data extraction and structural/materials/textures recognition parameters from pre-formatted multi-spectral imagery.
- Provides estimates of hidden components from views and shadowing based on contextual recognition with limited human intervention.
- Computer Interface and Formatter
- Provides for standard computer interface (Graphical and data-transfer) and generation of downloadable files in selected Computer Aided Design (CAD) formats.