RNI Demonstrates VIKENG Locomotion Modes in UnReal3

Posted on October 17, 2012

Under sponsored research with RDECOM-STTC under the EDGE initiative, RNI was tasked to perform a feasibility demonstration of the Virtual Immersive Kinetic Engine technology along with components of the GDIS SimBridge Gesture Extension in the UnReal3 game engine.  This represents the third commercial game engine RNI has demonstrated the Gesture Extension integration with.  The first two (ValVe’s Source Engine, and Unity 3D) were demonstrated on previous efforts proving the compatibility of this technology with commercial engines and programming languages.  RNI has also used a number  of different vendors for the base motion capture subsystem including Xsens (Moven), Inertial Labs (3D Suit), and YEI 3-Space (Wireless) sensors.

The First-Step Virtual Locomotion Algorithm (RNI Patent Pending) was also used in this demonstration to illustrate seamless transition between live and virtual motion modes along with a “hybrid” model approach when in virtual locomotion modes.


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